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Game Name : Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
System : Nintendo 64
Date Added : 2002-06-17 21:50:31
Views : 60253
Cheat : Flight mode: Press Start during game play. Then, hold L and press Right, Up, C-Down, C-Up, C-Down, C-Left(2), C-Right at the pause menu. The screen will shake to confirm correct code entry. Press Ollie to hover and the D-pad or Analog-stick to change directions.
Perfect balance: Press Start during game play. Then, hold L and press C-Down, Right, Down, C-Left, C-Down, C-Up, C-Right, C-Left at the pause menu. The screen will shake to confirm correct code entry.
Unlimited specials: Press Start during game play. Then, hold L and press C-Left, C-Down, C-Up, Right, C-Right, Right at the pause menu. The screen will shake to confirm correct code entry.
10X points multiplier: Press Start during game play. Then, hold L and press C-Down(4), C-Left, C-Right, Right at the pause menu. The screen will shake to confirm correct code entry.
Set stats to 10: Press Start during game play. Then, hold L and press Down, Up, C-Up, C-Left, Down, Up, C-Up at the pause menu. The screen will shake to confirm correct code entry.
Set stats to 13: Press Start during game play. Then, hold L and press C-Up, C-Left, Left, Up, Down at the pause menu. The screen will shake to confirm correct code entry.
Thin skater: Press Start during game play. Then, hold L and press Left, C-Right, Right, Down, C-Down, Up(2) at the pause menu. The screen will shake to confirm correct code entry. . Note: Repeat this code to increase its effect.
Turbo mode: Press Start during game play. Then, hold L and press C-Left, C-Down, C-Up, Down, Up, Right at the pause menu. The screen will shake to confirm correct code entry. Alternately, get a 100% completion (three gold medals and all goals) on all levels with Spider-Man in career mode.
Simulation mode: Press Start during game play. Then, hold L and press Left, C-Right, Right, Down, C-Down, Up(2) at the pause menu. The screen will shake to confirm correct code entry.
Maximum turbo mode: Press Start during game play. Then, hold L and press Down, Left, C-Up, C-Down, C-Left, Right, Up at the pause menu. The screen will shake to confirm correct code entry.
Slow-Nic mode (slow motion tricks): Press Start during game play. Then, hold L and press C-Up, Down, Left, C-Left, C-Down, C-Up, C-Right at the pause menu. The screen will shake to confirm correct code entry.
Skip to restart: Press Start during game play. Then, hold L and press C-Left, C-Down, C-Right, Down, C-Up(2) at the pause menu. The screen will shake to confirm correct code entry. Alternately, get a 100% completion (three gold medals and all goals) on all levels with Elissa Steamer in career mode.
Double moon physics: Press Start during game play. Then, hold L and press C-Down, C-Left, C-Right, C-Left, Up, C-Down, Down, Right, C-Down(2) at the pause menu. The screen will shake to confirm correct code entry. (www.gamesupport.dk) Open cheat menu: To open the cheat menu, under "Options" at the main menu, successfully complete career mode with any character (three gold medals and all goals). When this is done, a message stating that the cheat menu is open will appear. Every time you complete career mode with another character, more cheats will be unlocked.
Kids mode: Get a 100% completion (three gold medals and all goals) in career mode as Steve Caballero. Skaters will have bigger heads, smaller bodies, and bigger skate boards.
McSqueeb: Get a 100% completion (three gold medals and all goals) in career mode as Tony Hawk. Select Tony Hawk's third costume to play as McSqueeb.
Spider-Man: Get a 100% completion (three gold medals and all goals) in career mode as a created skater.
Officer Dick: Mark 275 gaps in the normal levels as discovered to unlock Officer Dick.
Trixie: Mark all of the gaps as discovered, including those in Skate Heaven, to unlock Trixie.
Skate Heaven level: Get a 100% completion (three gold medals and all goals) with all skaters.
Mat Hoffman Pro BMX Bike Factory level: Get a gold medals with every character (including a bonus skater) except for Trixie.
Play level before unlocking it: Select two player mode. Highlight the locked level, move left or right, then move back to the level and press A simultaneously.
Manual: Press Up, Down, R, C-Up while skating. You will see a green line and a red line going up to it. When the red line touches the end of the green line, it will disappear and you will stop doing the trick.
Either press Down, Up or Up, Down to do either a manual or nose manual.
Chad Muska's special moves: Indy Backflip: Press Up, Down, C-Right. FS or BS Hurricane: Press Down, Right, C-Up. Muska Nose Manual: While on the ground, press Left, Up, C-Right. McSqueeb's special moves:
Pogo Air: Press Left, Right, C-Right. The 900: Press Right, Down, C-Right. Layback Grind: Press Right, Left, C-Up. Rodney Mullen's special moves:
Nollieflip Underflip: Press Down, Right, B. Heelflip Darkslide: Press Left, Right, C-Up. Heelflip Casper: While on the ground, press Right, Down, C-Right Spider-man's special moves:
Spidey Flip: Press Up, Down, C-Right. Spidey Grind: Press Left, Right, C-Left. Does Whatever A Spider Can: Press Left, Right, C-Left. Tony Hawk's special moves:
The 900: Press Right, Down, C-Right. Sacktap: Press Up, Down, C-Right. Overturn Grind: Press Down, Right, C-Up. Hint : Hint: More speed: To get more speed, hold A or C-Down.
Hint: Get up faster: Rapidly press Up and Down when you fall down to get up faster.
Hint: Perform trick upside down: Enable the "Kid mode" code. Choose anyone with the Indy Frontflip or assign the trick to a skater. Do the Indy Frontflip anywhere just before your trick. Do another trick in a few seconds and it should be performed upside down. If you cannot see the enter trick, perform it over the "Leap Of Faith."
Hint: Selecting career mode levels: When you are on a level that needs to be unlocked it in career mode, go to the level to the right or the left of it. Then, quickly go back to the level and immediately press A.
Hint: Selecting two player mode levels: Try to select the "Two Player" option without doing career mode. The game will state you have to play career mode. Select it regardless. The game will allow any level to be selected, but only in two player mode.
Hint: Easy 900s: Get your special full, then ride up to any quarterpipe with a fair amount of speed. Do a Boneless for big air and then press the buttons to do a 900. You will land it almost every time.
Hint: Rodney Mullen: Freestylin': Perform the Casper to 360 Flip manual (one of his specials). Immediately after you land it, keep pressing C-Right until he performs Freestylin'. He will flip the board a couple of times and go back to the Casper to 360 Flip.
To do Rodney Mullen's Freestylin; while doing the Casper to 360 Flip, press Down, Right, C-Right while standing still or moving very slowly.
Hint: Skate in pungee pits: In any level with pungee pits, grind on the edge and purposely crash towards the pit. If done correctly, you should be able to skate around in the pit. To get out, wall ride and try to jump out.
Hint: Bullring: Smelly money: Ollie into the bull pit and skate through the bull's droppings to get most of the money.
Hint: Marseilles: Endless grind: Begin game play in the Marseilles level with the "Perfect balance" code enabled. Jump onto the a circle in the front going slow and grind.
Hint: Marseilles: Secret area: When you start, skate over to the wood wall with the green spray paint. There will be a street light near it, in the grass. At the bottom of the light is a piece of wood holding the light up. Skate through the piece of wood. The light will fall, knocking a hole in the fence. Go through this hole and down the hole in the ground. You will end up in a room where most of the cash icons are located. There is also a cool fountain in the middle.
Hint: Minneapolis: Extra points: At the beginning of the level there is a ramp to the right. Jump on it and grind on the side of the small building all the way to the end. When you do jump of and grind the rail next to the big building, the "S" will be on it. If you are lucky, you can do a car plant and end up with a lot of points.
Hint: Philadelphia: Money: When you start, make a left until you get to the stone benches. You should be able to see them when you turn left. Turn right and go all the way down, past the stone benches. There should be a house directly in front of you. Go up the balcony on that house and grind the telephone line that leads from the balcony up to the top of the pole. You need to grind up almost the entire length. When you do, the poles will fall and knock down the fence gates near them. Go in there to find a small skate park. It contains cash icons that are scattered about.
Hint: School: Open the gym: Skate down the Roll Call! Nightmare Fall rail (the very big one) when the second bell is ringing. The blue text indicating that you have found a secret gap will appear. Skate over to the gym. The door will be open, allowing you to go inside.
Hint: School 2: Open the swimming pool: When you start, skate down the corridor, then at the end turn left. Down there will be some steps with a rail on them. Grind that as the second bell rings and you will be able to go into the swimming pool located in the building with the suspicious looking doors after you drop from the starting location. Note: Grind the rail as soon as you see the security guard going up the ramp on the right.
Hint: School 2: Tag Mode: Select two player mode, then select tag mode. Go to School 2 and go to where you would normally start in career mode. Ollie off the ramp next to the first bell and Wallride up to the ledge. Grind the ledge and Ollie to the right. Look to the left and you should see a large, blue platform going across the level. Ollie off the platform and onto the ledge and you will be out of sight. Note: Only do this if you are not "It".
Hint: School 2: Extra points: Go left at the start and into the area where you would usually go up onto the roof to get the hidden tape. Go straight ahead and grind down the "Open Sezme Roll Call" rail, then manual off the end of the rail and grind the first bike rack. Jump and grind the next bike rack, then manual off the end and go up the quarterpipe. Do a 900 or one of your special moves off the quarterpipe and you should have quite a few points.
Go straight ahead from past T.C.'s buildings. Grind or slide around bendys curve and crash into the light pole head on. Wait at the bottom of the pole for a moment. If it falls, go around to the quarterpipe closest to the "Gonz" rail. Go down it, go off the kicker that is next to the "Gonz" rail, and grind the "Gonz Roll Call" rail to the bottom. Jump off into a manual and grind bendys again right around. Jump off the end and grind the light pole. Then, jump off and grind the pile of cement and bricks that is in front off the planter. Jump off the end and if you can manual until the quarterpipe near the bike racks. Use another special or a good move to get extra points.
Hint: Venice Beach: Shortcut: Select career mode and load your career. Go to Venice Beach. At the start, ride until you reach the first stair set, then wallride the wall to the left. Wallie up it and grind at the top. If your skater's Ollie and Air stats are high enough, you should be able to Ollie up to the area where you launch off to reach the hidden tape.
Glitch: Grind on air: Select any skater and go to the Hangar level. Go down and to the right where the large propeller is located. Grind across the propeller so it starts spinning. Turn around and grind where the propeller normally is located. If the propeller is still spinning, it will appear as if you are grinding on air.
Glitch: Appear as a line: In the New York level, enable the "Moon physics" code. Turn around, go to the end of the road, and jump off. You should enter a glitched location. The only way to exit is to retry. If you crash hard enough, you will appear only as a line.
Glitch: See different level on gap checklist: Go to the gap checklist in the options screen. Go to any level on the list except for the Hanger. Get out, then go back in. The level that you went out on will have its picture on the Hanger instead of the Hanger's picture.
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